Death. Taxes. Spills on carpet. All three are impossible to avoid.
But that doesn’t mean you just have to accept a blemish or discolored mark on your carpet or rugs. At biokleen, we know all about stains and odors on fabrics —and how to remove them.
Sunshine. Barbecues. Street festivals. No school. It doesn’t get much better than that. But with so many possible summer trips and activities to get after, it’s easy to get a little messy. Here’s our summer stain guide to staying fresh, so don’t be afraid to wear that white linen shirt you look so dapper in.
Summer is officially here! It’s time to keep your furry friends happy and safe. At biokleen, we’re all about pet love. That’s why we put together your summer pet guide which includes safety tips, frozen treats, DIY toys, and much more.
Nothing rains on a parade quite like a stain. But that doesn’t mean you can’t fight back. Here’s a list of some of the stains and odors Bac-Out eliminates.
Are you struggling with stubborn stains and odors? Whether the mishap is from pets, kids, or a clumsy accident too embarrassing to admit, we know how exhausting it can be to keep a home clean. That’s why we make Bac-Out, a friendly, plant-powered bio-enzymatic cleaning solution that takes care of everyday disasters.
By using a mixture of live enzyme-producing cultures, citrus extracts and essential oils, Bac-Out eliminates the toughest stains and odors from your carpets and prevents them from coming back.